immigrated to israel|immigrate to israel in English

moved to live in Israel

Use "immigrated to israel|immigrate to israel" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "immigrated to israel|immigrate to israel" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "immigrated to israel|immigrate to israel", or refer to the context using the word "immigrated to israel|immigrate to israel" in the English Dictionary.

1. Ella and her family were preparing to immigrate to Israel.

2. Ethiopian Jews were entitled to immigrate to Israel under the Law of Return.

3. 3 Ethiopian Jews were entitled to immigrate to Israel under the Law of Return.

4. After the liberation he made false papers to allow the survivors of concentration camps to immigrate to Palestine before the creation of Israel.

5. And subject Israel to insulting words.

6. 7 — Israel returns to ‘normalcy,’ Chaotically

7. Israel is entitled to absolute security

8. Israel is entitled to absolute security.

9. Aliyah from Ethiopia - Aliyah from Ethiopia is the immigration of the Beta Israel people to Israel

10. THE GOVERNMENT OF THE STATE OF ISRAEL, acting on behalf of the State of Israel (hereinafter 'Israel`),

11. Israel Antiquities Authority – Policy for Granting Excavation Licenses in Israel

12. I say to Israel, keep your airspace.

13. Cohen sent intelligence to Israel by radio, secret letters, and occasionally in person—he secretly traveled to Israel three times.

14. Why was the Law given to Israel?

15. Aliyah is the immigration of Jews from the diaspora to the Land of Israel (Eretz Israel in Hebrew)

16. Israel and the Apartheid analogy is criticism of Israel charging that Israel has practiced a system akin to Apartheid against Palestinians in its occupation of the West Bank

17. God Examines Israel

18. Israel Currency Israel coins are either coins of Agorot or shekels

19. Was God’s Law to Israel Just and Fair?

20. Israel considered Tyre to be a Hezbollah stronghold.

21. We call upon Israel to stop settlement activities.

22. Judges raised up to save Israel (11-23)

23. Get ready to meet your God, O Israel.

24. (2006) Restoring biodiversity to pine Afforestations in Israel

25. Philistines return the Ark to Israel (1-21)